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Characteristics of Orthopterans
Examples Grasshoppers, cockroaches
Wings 0-4; Fore wings narrow; Hind wings folded
Mouth Parts Chewing
Usual Number of Tarsal Segments 3 to 5
Metamorphosis Simple Metamorphosis
Usual Size Large
Where usually found Ground or vegetation

Members of order Orthoptera are characterized by up to two pairs of wings, with the rear wings folded under the fore wings if both are present. They have antennae that have multiple segments and are often long and like hairs. They have a pair of cerci, which can vary in size and shape from species to species.

The insects in order Orthoptera vary greatly in their involvement with the enviroment. Some of them are extremely destructive to crops and can migrate long distances, completely devouring fields in their travels. Others, like cockroaches, are pests in buildings.

Most male members of this class can "sing" by rubbing their body parts against each other. Each different variety of grasshopper rub different parts together and they each have a different song that they can play. Most females do not make any sounds.

Orthoptera is divided into six suborders, which are seperated based on legs, antennae, body form, and oviposter. These six suborders are: Caelifera, Ensifera, Mantodea, Phasmatodea, Blattodea, and Grylloblattodea.