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Characteristics of Odonatans
Examples Dragonflies and Damselflies
Wings 4, many veins, Hind Wings as big as Fore Wings
Mouth Parts Chewing
Usual Number of Tarsal Segments 3
Metamorphosis Simple Metamorphosis, with aquatic Nymphs
Usual Size Large
Where usually found Near water

Dragonflies and Damselflies are characterized by their two sets of veiny wings. They have long, slender abdomens, and very large compound eyes. They also have short antennae that are not easily seen. Their prothorax is small, making the other two thoracic segments much larger.

Dragonflies and Damselflies are very helpful to the environment as they eat mosquitos and other small insects. They can bite, however only the largest can inflict pain.

Adults are found near water, though they can be found miles away. Often they will fly in tandem, with the male holding the female. Males are brightly coloured and are larger than the females.

There are two suborders of Odonata. Anisoptera, which are the dragonflies, and Zygoptera, which are the Damselflies. The major differences between these two are their wing sizes and the vein patterns on their wings.